Whitley Warriors are delighted to announce that fan favourite Ross Douglass will return to the team after some time away from the game.
25-year-old Douglass is no stranger to the Maroon and Gold having been a part of the team since 2016. He was however unable to commit to the club this season due to work time conflicts. While still unable to ice in every game, he does now find himself with some availability and is happy to be stepping out onto the ice at Hillheads once again.
“I’m excited to get back to playing and hopefully I can help the lads out and make a push up the league in the second half of the season,” Douglass said. “I’ve missed playing and being with the lads but my work meant it was going to be difficult to commit but as soon as this eased I contacted Tony and it was easy for me to commit to play as often as I can.”
“I spoke with Ross over the summer and it was clear his work had to come first, I totally understand that with a player,” Head Coach Tony Hand said. “I was delighted when he called me to say he was missing hockey and that he could commit to a number of games for the rest of the season. Ross is a good player and has speed and gives us a presence up top.”
Douglass will wear his normal number 21 shirt, which is available for Own and Loan immediately.
Welcome back Ross!