EIHA/SIH Boards make joint statement on state of play

EIHA news

The Boards of the English Ice Hockey Association and Scottish Ice Hockey have been in discussions today around the ever-changing situation regarding COVID-19, coronavirus.

As both Boards mentioned in statements earlier today, following the latest UK government and health agency advice they can confirm that a full domestic fixture list will take place in both associations this coming weekend.

Anyone who is in one of the high-risk groups should not attend matches this weekend. Anyone showing any symptoms should not attend matches this weekend and consider seven day isolation per the government advice given on Thursday.

Everyone involved in the games – players, officials, staff, spectators – should follow the advice about hand hygiene, ‘catch it bin it kill it’, reducing unneccessary contact with others.

You can find more advice from the NHS here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

The Boards are mindful of the developments around the sporting world and will reconvene early in the week to discuss the way forward for the remainder of regular season and beyond.

As always should the situation change then updates will be given via association websites and social media.